Rescued From Kabul

The fall of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, marked a major turning point in the country's tumultuous history. After almost two decades of US and NATO military presence and nation-building efforts, the Taliban swiftly took control of the city in August 2021, as the US and its allies withdrew their troops.

The scenes of chaos, desperation, and fear that followed were both heartbreaking and shocking. Thousands of people rushed to the airport, trying to escape the country before the Taliban took full control, while others stayed behind, uncertain of their fate under the new regime.

The fall of Kabul has left thousands of Afghan Ally families in a precarious situation. These families, who worked for the US and other foreign governments or organizations, now face the threat of reprisals from the Taliban, who view them as collaborators. Many of these families are in hiding, afraid to leave their homes or seek refuge for fear of being targeted.

They are also facing a humanitarian crisis, with shortages of food, water, and medical supplies. The international community has been working to evacuate these families, but the process is an extensive undertaking with many aspects to consider due to the Taliban's restrictions. The fate of these Afghan Ally families is a tragic reminder of the human cost of war and the urgent need for global cooperation to protect vulnerable populations.

One Afghan Ally who worked directly alongside Captain Rondinelli, one of the S2S founders, was able to be evacuated shortly after the fall. This is his recount of the evacuation:

“After the fall of Kabul, we found ourselves in a very bad situation. I remember having a letter from a US Army Officer who I worked with, Captain Rondinelli (Rondo). I emailed him. Actually, I did not expect a reply from him but fortunately, he replied very soon. I explained the situation in Afghanistan and asked him to help me and my family to leave the country. The next day, tomorrow, Rondo told us to get to the airport and he had a flight for the entire family. We are very appreciative and grateful for the help of the US Army, Polish Army, and Rondo that they did not leave us behind. We will always remember Captain Rondinelli and that he did not forget my family or me. We hope the S2S Project will continue to help families of Afghan Security Forces that are still suffering in Afghanistan.”

We continue to work with our Afghan Allies who are still waiting for evacuation. You can help save them from Taliban persecution by partnering with the S2S Project. Share with your friends and family to spread the word of the thousands waiting and make a contribution today.

The names and identities of the families rescued have been redacted in order to ensure their continued safety.


A Fresh Start