A Fresh Start

The Taliban takeover left many Afghans in dangerous situations and a total upheaval of their daily lives. Through it all, a parent’s first priority is their children, who need structure and time to be a kid, rather than worrying about the crisis and safety of their families.

The takeover has had a significant impact on the daily lives and education of Afghan children. With the Taliban taking control, many schools have been closed, and children are no longer able to attend classes. This has disrupted the education of millions of children, particularly girls, who were already facing significant challenges in accessing education due to cultural and social barriers.

The closure of schools not only deprives children of the opportunity to learn and develop but also has long-term implications for their future prospects and the stability of the country. Education is crucial for building a peaceful and prosperous society, and the international community must work together to ensure that every child in Afghanistan has access to quality education, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion.

This father shares how evacuation has helped his children return to school and have a fresh start. He has been able to find work and his children return to school:

“I really appreciate everything that S2S are doing for us! For all Afghans in risk. S2S helped me and my family to a new location where we are able to work and my boys and my girls can attend school again. We had lost our hope and [became] depressed but S2S made us not worry and give us a new hope.”

We continue to work with our Afghan Allies who are still waiting for evacuation. You can help save them from Taliban persecution by partnering with the S2S Project. Share with your friends and family to spread the word of the thousands waiting and make a contribution today.

The names and identities of the families rescued have been redacted in order to ensure their continued safety.


Safety For A Family


Rescued From Kabul