Safety For A Family

The fall of Kabul and the Taliban takeover has put many families in danger, as the sudden shift in power and the ensuing chaos has led to uncertainty and fear for the safety and well-being of those living in the region. The Taliban's strict interpretation of Islamic law and their history of violence and repression has also raised concerns for the protection of human rights, particularly for women, minorities, and those who may oppose their regime. The situation highlights the urgent need for international aid and support for those affected, as well as diplomatic efforts to address the underlying issues and work towards a peaceful resolution.

The Taliban's targeting of individuals who helped NATO forces is deeply concerning and poses a significant threat to the safety and security of those individuals and their families. Many of these individuals served as interpreters, guides, or other essential support personnel, and their assistance was vital to the success of NATO's mission in Afghanistan. Despite assurances from the Taliban that they would not seek revenge, reports indicate that they have been actively seeking out and targeting those who worked with NATO forces.

S2S Project spoke to on individual about his experience with his family:

“Thank you for your assistance, I want you to have our full appreciation because we were living in a threatening situation so we had to move from place to place. It made life very difficult for me and my family. S2S provided food, shelter, and transportation to a safe location for our lives.”

We continue to work with our Afghan Allies who are still waiting for evacuation. You can help save them from Taliban persecution by partnering with the S2S Project. Share with your friends and family to spread the word of the thousands waiting and make a contribution today.

The names and identities of the families rescued have been redacted in order to ensure their continued safety.


A Fresh Start